Compose key for Windows

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Compose rules are supposed to be intuitive. Here are some examples:

  • ⎄ Compose ` aà
  • ⎄ Compose ' eé
  • ⎄ Compose ^ iî
  • ⎄ Compose ~ nñ
  • ⎄ Compose / oø
  • ⎄ Compose " uü
  • ⎄ Compose o c©
  • ⎄ Compose + -±
  • ⎄ Compose : -÷
  • ⎄ Compose ( 7 )
  • ⎄ Compose C C C P
  • ⎄ Compose < 3

Emoji sequences typically start with two ⎄ Compose hits:

  • ⎄ Compose ⎄ Compose a n g r yangry
  • ⎄ Compose ⎄ Compose g r i n n i n ggrin
  • ⎄ Compose ⎄ Compose s u s h isushi
  • ⎄ Compose ⎄ Compose s n a k esnake

A special Unicode input mode can be activated in the options and lets the user type in any Unicode character:

  • ⎄ Compose u 5 8 d Enter → ֍ (U+058D Right-Facing Armenian Eternity Sign)
  • ⎄ Compose u 2 3 f 0 Enteralarm_clock (U+23F0 Alarm Clock)

The full list of rules can be found by clicking on the WinCompose system tray icon or using the “Show Sequences…” menu entry:

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