Compose key for Windows

Github link:


Compose rules are supposed to be intuitive. Here are some examples:

  • ⎄ Compose ` aà
  • ⎄ Compose ' eé
  • ⎄ Compose ^ iî
  • ⎄ Compose ~ nñ
  • ⎄ Compose / oø
  • ⎄ Compose " uü
  • ⎄ Compose o c©
  • ⎄ Compose + -±
  • ⎄ Compose : -÷
  • ⎄ Compose ( 7 )
  • ⎄ Compose C C C P
  • ⎄ Compose < 3

Emoji sequences typically start with two ⎄ Compose hits:

  • ⎄ Compose ⎄ Compose a n g r yangry
  • ⎄ Compose Compose g r i n n i n ggrin
  • ⎄ Compose ⎄ Compose s u s h isushi
  • ⎄ Compose ⎄ Compose s n a k esnake

A special Unicode input mode can be activated in the options and lets the user type in any Unicode character:

  • ⎄ Compose u 5 8 d Enter → ֍ (U+058D Right-Facing Armenian Eternity Sign)
  • ⎄ Compose u 2 3 f 0 Enteralarm_clock (U+23F0 Alarm Clock)

The full list of rules can be found by clicking on the WinCompose system tray icon or using the “Show Sequences…” menu entry:


Algebra Love

f\left(x\right)=x^{\frac{2}{3}}+0.9\left(3.3-x^2\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}\cdot\sin\left(a\cdot\pi\cdot x\right)

ISPConfig Regex Blacklist

1. Log into ISPConfig
2. Go to Email tab
3. On the left on Global Filters select the “Content Filter”
4. Press on “Add new Content Filter”
5. Make sure that it uses “Header Filter”
6. In the Regexp Pattern input enter for example:


7. In the Data input box you can enter some message. I use like: “No .xyz mail allowed here”
8. For the Action use “Reject” or “Discard”
9. Save

Credit: Sjau

K2 Joke

So, after seeing his lobsided hair,what did the beatnik say at the jazz musician’s funeral?

  • Get that cat a comb!



ddrescue -f -R /dev/sdb /dev/sda /home/it/Desktop/ddrescuelog.log

OpenVPN Ubuntu – add import ovpn file ability

Use network-manager-openvpn-gnome instead of network-manager-openvpn to get the option to import the VPN configuration files.

sudo apt install openvpn
sudo apt install network-manager-openvpn-gnome


Merge Documents macro inserting section break (Word)

Sub MergeMultipleFiles()
Dim fDialog As FileDialog

Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With fDialog
.AllowMultiSelect = True
.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewList
If .Show <> -1 Then
MsgBox "Cancelled By User", , "Cancelled"
Exit Sub
End If
End With
For i = 1 To fDialog.SelectedItems.Count
Selection.InsertFile fDialog.SelectedItems.Item(i)
Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdSectionBreakNextPage

Next i
End Sub

Nextcloud and Collabra on Ubuntu (access denied)

Credit here to Speedysurf HERE:

first get the current ExecStart form your docker.service file:

    grep ExecStart /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
    the result is something like this:
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://

now use this result to create a systemd docker drop-in configuration file. Create the service directory first therefore as well:

    mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
    editor /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/execWithDeviceMapper.conf

The file now must contain the following lines:

    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --storage-driver=devicemapper -H fd://

remove your old container (shamelessly stolen from @Andreas_Fuchs's post below :wink: )

    docker ps (to get the id)
    docker stop [id]
    docker rm [id]

restart systemd, docker and your container

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl restart docker.service
    docker run -t -d -p -e 'domain=CLOUD.DOMAIN.TLD' --restart always --cap-add MKNOD collabora/code

Word Autosave 1

Credit to

Save reminder will prompt user to name new documents when a blank doc is open, if refused will show number of open unsaved documents. Autosaves named documents every 5 min.

Alt F11 in Word to open the VBA editor, click “Normal” to select the Normal template, and hit Insert –> Module to create a new module.  Paste the following code in the new module and save it.

Sub AutoNew()
  Dim objDoc As Document
  Dim strButtonValue As String
  Dim dtAskingTime As Date
  '  Initialization
  Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
  '  Set the asking time in 5 minutes.
  dtAskingTime = Now + TimeValue("00:05:00")
  If objDoc.Path <> "" Then
    Exit Sub
    strButtonValue = MsgBox("This document has not been saved yet." & vbCr & "Do you want to save the file?", vbYesNo)
    If strButtonValue = vbYes Then
      '  In case you click Cancel button, the macro continue running and prompting message in every 5 minutes.
      If objDoc.Path = "" Then
        Application.OnTime When:=dtAskingTime, Name:="AutoNew"
      End If
      Application.OnTime When:=dtAskingTime, Name:="AutoNew"
    End If
  End If
  Call CountUnsavedDoc
End Sub

Sub CountUnsavedDoc()
  Dim objDoc As Document
  Dim nDocUnsaved As Integer
  nDocUnsaved = 0

  For Each objDoc In Documents
    If objDoc.Path = "" Then
      nDocUnsaved = nDocUnsaved + 1
    End If
  Next objDoc
  nDocUnsaved = MsgBox(nDocUnsaved, 0, "Number of unsaved document")
End Sub

Enable vacation OOO Zentyal 5 – SOGo

To enable the Out of Office (Vacation) tab in SOGo perform the following actions:
NOTE: I am told this will overwrite any sieve mail filter already set (unverified)


sudo mkdir /etc/zentyal/stubs/sogo
sudo cp /usr/share/zentyal/stubs/sogo/sogo.conf.mas /etc/zentyal/stubs/sogo/sogo.conf.mas
sudo nano /etc/zentyal/stubs/sogo/sogo.conf.mas
CTRL w to open "find" and search for:
Vacation (Line should read, "SOGoVacationEnabled = No;"
Change No; to Yes;
CTRL o to save
CTRL x to exit
Restart SOGo from the web interface


Nick Sallas

While there are so many fantastic images to choose from, I think the most awe-inspiring image that we, as a species, have created is the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field.

This is a long-exposure photo taken of a very small patch of what appeared to be empty space (its size is about equal to a 1mm x 1mm square held at arms length; or 1/13,000,000 of the night sky). The length of the exposure lasted from September 24, 2003; all the way through to January 16th of 2004. What it captured was nothing less than the nascency of the universe; galaxies of some 13 billion years in age (and in LY distance from us).

Nothing else can quite rival the scope of this image. While the Pale Blue Dot looks inward to reflect on our relative insignificance (and is quite impactful in its own right), the HUDF generates the same effect whilst looking outward. There are no less than 10,000 galaxies in this photo, each with as-many-or-more stars as our own Milky Way, and of course each being as mind-bogglingly vast. That all of these clusters could be contained in one insignificant blank patch of sky is a reminder of just how grand the universe is. How minute we, and our entire planet are. How we can’t possibly be alone in the vastness of space, but how we functionally might as well be. To my eyes, this photo is one of the crowning achievements of human discovery, and is quite simply extraordinary.

GIMP outline text (or anything)

Layer menu -> Transparency -> Alpha to selection
Edit menu -> stroke selection.

A place for pictures

Sunset: 26, March
Check out the palm trees!

Zoom to weep

Sketch-ville at sunrise. “Better” picture.

linux cli what is my ip

wget -qO -